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How to prepare for your injectables appointment at Sunkyssed Injector & what to expect for post care

I wanted to lay out some expectations and prep for your upcoming injectables appointments at my clinic, to create the easiest and most enjoyable experience possible.

There are a few things you can do before and after your treatment, to minimize downtime and speed up recovery, while ensuring the best outcomes.

This list may not be all inclusive so please reach out if you have any additional questions or concerns.

Pre-care instructions:

-DIscontinue any blood thinning agents such as alcohol, aspirin ( unless advised by your physician to take this ), advil, fish oils, green tea and other herbs and spices over the counter- feel free to send me a list of your supplements and we can review what should be held, for at least 3-5 days prior to your appointment.

-Do not have coffee or excerise the morning of your appointment.

Additional care for fillers:

-Start taking an oral arnica supplement, 3 days prior to your treatment

-If you have a history of cold sores, please let me know so we can get you started on valtrex 2 days ahead of your treatment to help prevent any cold sores.

Post -care instructions:

-Do not use any blood thinning agents listed above, for 24 hours after your treatment.

-No exercise or direct UV on the treated area, for 24 hours after

-No facial treatments/ massage/microneedling/peels/waxing etc for 2 weeks

-No micro blading for 3 weeks

-Do not touch the treatment areas for 4 hours

-Do not apply makeup for 24 hours

-Use only gentle pressure and gentle products the night of your treatment

Additional care for fillers:

-Ice throughout the day the first day, be sure to protect the skin by having a cloth or paper towel between the skin and the ice

-If you tend to swell, you can take Benadryl before bed, if you are able to take this medication

-Sleep with you head elevated the first night ( an extra pillow will do) and don’t sleep on your face(EVER)

-Get a silk pillowcase, this isn’t specific to your treatment but a little extra advice to help prevent fine lines and sleep lines and keep your hair soft

-Continue arnica tablets and gel, until bruising subsides

-If you were prescribed valtrex for cold sore prevention or treatment, please take as directed

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